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"Floppy is my mascot, my muse," says Alex Callaghan. "I first started selling photos because of her, she’s one of our oldest, but my most favorite longhorn. Her horns are so gorgeous, they’re way too big for her frail frame and short little legs, but you’d never know. She is pretty shy, pretty sassy, and pretty much does her own thing. She looks nothing like the rest of the herd and I think that’s why she stood out to me from the beginning. This is just one of many Floppy images that I’ve sold, but one of my favorites. I’m drawn the pale blues and yellows of this image, they’re timeless and look good in so many different settings."
These are not stock images, but hand-picked fine art images from western photographer, Alexandra Callaghan. They are produced in small quantities and chosen for their dynamic portrayal of life in the West.