About Us
Get To Know Us
Cody & Sioux is a destination shop featuring the cutting edge of mainstream
Modern West clothing, jewelry and footwear. We advocate for items that are well-crafted, timeless and have an enduring sense of West, in their craftsmanship, design and
material. It’s highly modern but appreciative of our western heritage, and laced
with Native American influences.

Our flagship nearly 2,000 square foot shop is in the heart of Inglewood, Calgary –
a neighbourhood which fittingly bears the distinction of being “cow town’s” oldest,
having been established as Fort Calgary in 1875. Today it is a shopping, arts and
music mecca. In 2022, we opened a second location in the town of Cochrane, on
the edge of the Rocky Mountains and some of the West’s greatest ranchlands.
At Cody & Sioux, the West is our kin, our breath of life, all of which awakens and
stirs us. Naturally, we wear it – the embroidered boots and belts, fringe, felt hats
and jackets – our totems. Wide open space. Independence. Sustainability.
Individualism. Character and grit. These are the values we believe in. At Cody & Sioux,
we invite you to explore and embrace your own style of West.