
Cody & Sioux - We've Moved!

Old chair, new rug at the new location.

You may have heard Cody & Sioux has moved locations. Early in February we packed up the shop and moved a block east - still in historic Inglewood - the hood we love, and with a new concept store that features the Modern West look we've become known for. We love our new shop, new neighbours, and the space we now occupy. Here's a peek at the new digs. . .

Right next door to Spolumbo's and in the space that was previously Paul Van Ginkel's studio.
Surrounded by our new fine art photography prints and our effervescent symbol of the West.
Pieces in our silver collection.

Sampling from our boot rack.
Our Modern West concept space.
Our Mission Statement says it all.

Come visit us soon at 1312A 9th Ave S.E., Calgary, Alberta and as always, we are open 24/7 online.

Thanks to Rockin' A Photography for spending the day in the shop - love the people we have around us!
